Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thursday Night Masters Study Participation

So as of the last time I posted, I was talking about the Study that I am participating in for my boss who is doing his Masters. Thursday I did my Max BB Squat which was 245 lb. Then that night what we had to do was step into the squat rack where there were two bars set. One was set at our bottom (parallel) position, and the other was about two notches up so only 2-3 inches above it. First thing we did after a five minute warmup, was do three preliminary high jumps for a basis. Then what we had to do was get under the bar, press our max weight up against the top bar, and hold it for three seconds. As soon as you were done with that you were to go right over to the high jump and perform one jump. Then you wait one minute, do another jump then wait five more minutes and do another jump. There is a correlation between the time you wait, and your high jump. Mine was pretty astounding, because in the beginning, my first two jumps were lower then the initial, but the last jump I did, apparently I went up about four inches from the initial. It was a little awkward because me and the other guy (the rest are women) were jumping through the drop ceiling we have at the gym to hit the high jump. Pretty cool stuff. Will be working with the Power Plate next week.

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