Sunday, November 4, 2012

Naked Warrior Certification- Primal Move Warmup Video

Check out this video from the Naked Warrior Certification I went to a few weeks ago in Minnesota. See if you can find me!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thursday Night Masters Study Participation

So as of the last time I posted, I was talking about the Study that I am participating in for my boss who is doing his Masters. Thursday I did my Max BB Squat which was 245 lb. Then that night what we had to do was step into the squat rack where there were two bars set. One was set at our bottom (parallel) position, and the other was about two notches up so only 2-3 inches above it. First thing we did after a five minute warmup, was do three preliminary high jumps for a basis. Then what we had to do was get under the bar, press our max weight up against the top bar, and hold it for three seconds. As soon as you were done with that you were to go right over to the high jump and perform one jump. Then you wait one minute, do another jump then wait five more minutes and do another jump. There is a correlation between the time you wait, and your high jump. Mine was pretty astounding, because in the beginning, my first two jumps were lower then the initial, but the last jump I did, apparently I went up about four inches from the initial. It was a little awkward because me and the other guy (the rest are women) were jumping through the drop ceiling we have at the gym to hit the high jump. Pretty cool stuff. Will be working with the Power Plate next week.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday Night Workout Update

So today I was told by my friend/boss that I was to be in his study for the Masters Degree he is doing. Last week I helped him by taking all of his participants and spotting them while they all worked their way up to a Max squat. That is what I had to do today. I was nervous. Not going to lie because I really have never before maxed out my Squat before. So working with Tuesday Nights numbers, I figured/hoped that I would get at least 225 lbs (2 Plates) Well I had to squat with a different stance for this than I normally do when I train. The difference is a wider stance, and it helps tremendously. The problems I was having was wrist and shoulder issues from never having that sort of angle on the bar with that much weight. These issues definitely did not effect how much weight my legs could handle. We started @ 135 went to 155, 185, 205, 225, and finally 245. He stopped me there. Not too shabby for never really training a back squat into my training. Not only that but I only weigh about 170-180 lbs. I was impressed to say the least, but tonight is the real test. We will be adding weight to our max squat # (possibly bodyweight) and taking the bar to the very bottom of the squat and holding it and comparing it to our high jump (i like to jump high!) Going to teach KB then testing begins. Lets see what happens!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Night Workout

Tuesday Night 6:30 - 7:30 PM 10/23/12 Big Three again. Felt strong. Not as many sets as Friday night. Used a step up in weight then last week. Warmup Set BP-115 x 3 SQ-135 x 3 DL-135 x 3 Bench Press-135 x 5 x 2, 185 x 2** (PB) Deadlift-205 x 5 x 2, 225 x 5 Squat-185 x 5 x 3 (PB-245 lb.) Foam Roll Arm Bars w/ 35 lb. KB Windmills with 45 lb. KB PB on the Bench. I had done 180 before for one, but wanted to see what I had with a spotter. Pushed first one up smoothly, second one was a little bit of a struggle. Feeling stronger tho.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday night Workout!

Going back to the basics! BIG 3 time. Joint mobility warmup Half Kneeling Hip Flexor stretch Arm Bars Windmills Warmup set BP-95 lbs x 5 DL-135 x 5 SQ-135 x 5 Then with arm bars, snatches (20 kg), windmills, and fast and loose drills in between sets, BP- 135 x 5 (3 Sets) DL-185 x 5 (3 Sets) SQ-185 x 5 (3 Sets) Kept it light. Just getting back into all three. Most comfortable with Deadlifts, then squats then the bench. Never really benched prior to starting this phase, but feels strong and I think I have a good technique and breathing pattern. Looking to work up a little more weight. I have six months from now to train and send in the one arm one leg pushup test for the Naked Warrior Bodyweight Certification by Pavel. Feeling strong. Probably take the weekend off and just do recovery work and bodyweight isometric holds to work on AB tightness and breathing techniques. More next week.